The Planned Development Zone (PD Zone), which governs the development of the site, was adopted by the City Council of Culver City in 2012 after a lengthy process involving community input.
Specific goals of the PD Zone include (but not limited to):
- Pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use transit-oriented development
- Office, retail, restaurants, hotel, residential and parking
- Place-making with creative design, site amenities and transit plaza
connection to shops and open space
- Active, dynamic open space that communicates with surrounding uses
- Regional destination connecting downtown L.A., the Westside & Culver City through multi-modalities, including light rail, vehicular and bus routes
- Multi-jurisdictions including Metro, Culver City & City of Los Angeles
- Improved streetscape design, sidewalks, pedestrian amenities & bike paths
- Outdoor dining, seating and other structures that support retail
- Encourage sustainable development and scalable design
that fits with neighborhood